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Collier Residential Appraisal, Inc. delivers reliable property appraisals in Collier & Lee Counties

It doesn't matter what type of home you possess. Our knowledge of local neighborhoods and education as Florida state certified appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Collier and Lee Counties for clients ranging from national lenders, real estate professionals, insurance companies, to valuation of various types for customers and consumers.

A Florida state certified appraiser from Collier Residential Appraisal, Inc. is the most reliable source of an unbiased opinion of value when your needs include:
Expert witness testimony when a reliable local authority on Florida home values is required
Asset division for divorce cases
Documenting present or past market value
Deciding on a listing price for your property; finding an insurable value, or FEMA replacement analysis for renovations of properties in flood zone, etc.
Review appraisals: Getting a second opinion on a past appraisal in or around Naples, Florida
Unfreezing a locked HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit)
A bank needing an experienced Collier or Lee County appraiser
Determining market value on real estate involved in a bankruptcy or short sale scenario
Appraisals for relocation coordinators
Tax Assessments (lowering real estate taxes) if you live in an area where home values have depreciated

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